Saturday, May 19, 2007

The oil Crisis week 27

Hi this is Chris long this is my first post about the oil crisis. Let me tell what has happened recently. The government has put out legislation that makes the general publics electricity turn off after 1:00 at night. Only a few select places get to keep theirs on. That was 3 weeks ago now people have been moving out of homes and been flocking to "Green shelters". These Shelters run on Wind, Sun and Ethanol power. They have been popping up on old farms everywhere outside of citys. I am Currently at one and I only get a certain amount of time on the computer. I hope this ends soon.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Awesome podcast for you Media geeks

For all you film, Tv, and video game geeks out there like myself go to

Its a great podcast with some awesome insights into some of the biggest movies and tv shows of today.

Also check out Diggnation on the same site. Most of the shows on revision 3 kick ass so check them out.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Ah Netflix your logic is Undeniable

Netflix you never cease to wow me

hello blog

God damn I hate Mondays. You know you have 4 more days until the next Friday and those days seem to just crawl like a turtle. But on Mondays Heroes is on and that alone makes my week most weeks.

Now for those of you who haven't seen Heroes yet I suggest you go over to where you can watch all the episodes online. Cause I want to have someone to discuss it with and I don't have anyone yet.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

guitar hero

damn you guitar hero you have sucked me back into your clutches. Its so god damn addicting. So in honor of my relapse I have a new item

33. Beat Free Bird on Expert in Guitar hero

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Oh ladys

Me and a bunch of people are having a Halo lan party tonight.

I am also trying to get a computer lan going on with counterstrike or something.

call me for details.


Now I am Pretty sure....

That no one reads this but.... I really don't care. Well kinda I mean it would be nice to have people reading what I say but this blog is for me.

That being said if anyone does read this could you guy leave a comment on what you think.